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🏴‍☠️ Welcome Pirate! You have completed the Beginner’s Voyage, so now it is time to participate more deeply in the Clipper Community. By the end of this voyage you will understand Clipper’s Community Values, and you will hopefully become a fully-fledged voting member of the DAO!

After you complete this voyage you will have access to more complex and challenging voyages, but first you must understand Clipper Values. This means learning about Clipper, interacting with the discord, and gaining community discord roles that allow you to vote.

🚢  Your Values and Voting Voyage

In this second voyage, you will read the story below and complete a few tasks.

💰 REWARD💰 : A rare NFT badge

<aside> ✍️ Hint: Your task reminders will look like this!


📜 The Story

Chapter One

The Crew Debates!

After yesterday’s Beginner’s Voyage, a day filled with new experiences and excitement, the young pirate had finally retired to their hammock, lulled to sleep by the sound of the ocean waves. When sunrise came, they awoke to a busy ship; the sound of loud debate echoed around them. Intrigued, they followed the voices, finding a group of seasoned pirates huddled together, deep in discussion about their next voyage.